Words that are confused with each other because of their spelling and pronunciation are found in almost every language. Unfortunately, this also applies to English. English words, which are very similar to each other in reading or spelling, can cause many problems in both daily and written language. It is especially important for individuals who are just starting to learn English to learn these troublesome words in order to avoid such misunderstanding and communication problems.

In order to minimize these types of errors in spoken and written language, we have explained in detail the most confused words, their meanings and usage in sentences. So let's start to take a look at this list that will contribute to your English learning process. Dead / Died The word "dead" used as an adjective in English means that someone is no longer alive. If we want to give an example;

English example: Don’t touch that cat. Unfortunately It is dead.

Turkish translation: Don't touch that cat. Sorry, he's dead.

The word "died", which is used as a verb in English, means "died" together with the past tense suffix. If we want to give an example; English example: Unfortunately, her grandmother died five years ago. Turkish translation: Unfortunately, her grandmother died five years ago. Beside / Besides the word "beside", which is used as a preposition in English, has its meaning. If we want to give an example;

English example: She sits beside Alex in class.

Turkish translation: She, she sits next to Alex in class she.

The word "besides", which is used as an adverb in English, also means additionally in the sentence.

English example: He plays basketball and tennis beside soccer.

Turkish translation: He plays basketball and tennis alongside football.

Words that are confused with each other because of their spelling and pronunciation are found in almost every language. Unfortunately, this also applies to English. English words, which are very similar to each other in reading or spelling, can cause many problems in both daily and written language. It is especially important for individuals who are just starting to learn English to learn these troublesome words in order to avoid such misunderstanding and communication problems.

In order to minimize these types of errors in spoken and written language, we have explained in detail the most confused words, their meanings and usage in sentences. So let's start to take a look at this list that will contribute to your English learning process. Dead / Died The word "dead" used as an adjective in English means that someone is no longer alive. If we want to give an example;

English example: Don’t touch that cat. Unfortunately It is dead.

Turkish translation: Don't touch that cat. Sorry she's dead she.

The word "died", which is used as a verb in English, means "died" together with the past tense suffix. If we want to give an example; English example: Unfortunately, her grandmother died five years ago. Turkish translation: Unfortunately, her grandmother died five years ago. Beside / Besides the word "beside", which is used as a preposition in English, has its meaning. If we want to give an example;

English example: She sits beside Alex in class.

Turkish translation: He sits next to Alex in the classroom.

The word "besides", which is used as an adverb in English, also means additionally in the sentence.

English example: He plays basketball and tennis beside soccer.

Turkish translation: He plays basketball and tennis alongside football.
