Wimbledon Language Academy Franchise System
Wimbledon Language Academy Franchise System

Stronger Together!
Wimbledon Language Academy, Turkey's First and Only Internationally Based Language School, opens its branches all over Turkey!
After Wimbledon London, Wimbledon opened its first branch in Turkey in 2014 and now, it serves with 35 branches in Turkey with 99% student satisfaction. If you want to join our Wimbledon family and grow together, you are welcome to our franchising system.
What Does Wimbledon Franchise System Offer You?
- You will have the right to use the name of a global brand originating from England in your region.
- You are a member of our GREAT family from the moment you become our branch.
- You will be able to benefit from the opportunities that Wimbledon London will offer for your representation and your students.
- You will be able to benefit from special prices and teacher training programs in Wimbledon London for your agency.
- You will be a PTE Authorized Training center with Pearson Turkey accreditation.
- With Pearson Publishing partnership, you will be able to implement our unique GSE-based education model in your representative office.
- You will be able to benefit from the agreements signed by the London and Turkey offices.
- Your students who want to continue their education in Wimbledon, England will be able to benefit from free consultancy and special discounts.
- You will be able to benefit from national and regional, social media, outdoor and university advertising activities.
- During the year, especially during registration periods, the headquarters team conducts in-service training activities in your representative office and you will be able to receive professional support.
- Our Education Coordination Unit, consisting of our British instructors, plans teacher trainings and conducts in-service trainings for all your instructors at least three times a year. You will receive support in this regard.
- You will have the opportunity to attend the annual general evaluation meeting organized by Wimbledon Global in London every year.
- You will be included in the training quality program and thousands of teaching materials (Flash Cards, Worksheets, Etc.) will be shared with you.
- On our official website you will be able to promote your representation and you will be able to collect online applications.
- Human Resources department will carry out the candidate evaluation and selection process for you.
- Your GSE Portfolio Certificate entries will be made online and your students will have online references.
- GSE Portfolio comes ready for you. All printed materials and designs such as brochures, flyers, etc. to be used in your representation will be sent to you.
- Wimbledon School Management System and Student Information System, Accounting software and many other tools will be customized for your branch.
- Wimbledon Design Agency will provide the necessary graphic design support for your branch.
As Wimbledon Language Academy family, we are excited to meet our new branch founders!
You can check out the details of Wimbledon Language Academy Franchise System.
For Wimbledon Language Academy franchise applications, you can call 444 5 897 and send your Motivation Letter to [email protected]